Spice of Life Farm provides New Hampshire’s White Mountain Valley region with a sustainable, local source for farm-raised produce, meat and eggs.
We are a Mount Washington Valley NH boutique farm focused on pasture-raised heritage hens, pigs & goats, as well as edible flowers, mushrooms and herbs and beef sourced from our friends in Vermont. We have the best-tasting pork, goat, beef and eggs – that all come from happy, well-loved animals that spend their lives as they should – foraging and enjoying the natural bounty of Earth.
Locally-grown food not only provides critical health benefits, but it also promotes important economic paths and brings communities together in a way that allows everyone to make an impact.
Supporting local farms extends beyond the direct impact on the farmers. It also preserves farmland and green spaces in your community and delivers a safer food supply to your family.
We raise the highest quality Kiko goats and Kunekune and Berkshire pigs in our pastures on West Side Road in Conway, NH and offer meat, veggies, flowers and herbs in our year-round farmstand. We are proud to offer you the best fresh eggs, pasture-raised heritage pork, beef, veggies, and goat meat from our local farm to your table.

Goat Rentals
At the Farmstand

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